Rachael K Leonard a loving mother of two is a deeply spiritual quantum healing hypnosis practitioner, passionately committed to helping others awaken to their higher purpose. Her path into the metaphysical world began with a profound spiritual awakening in 2020, catalyzed by intense personal experiences. This awakening unlocked her ability to channel higher-dimensional beings, revealing to her a mission to guide humanity toward a higher state of consciousness.
Rachael’s entry into the realm of quantum healing hypnosis was serendipitous, beginning with a spontaneous session where a friend’s higher self emerged, imparting ancient wisdom and healing. She spoke to Rachael and provided hidden knowledge about existence and the nature of reality. This profound experience provided healing for her friend, a renewed zest for life, and significant physical transformation.
This pivotal experience led Rachael to the teachings 10:46 AM of Dolores Cannon. She discovered that Cannon’s writings contained the same truths and knowledge that had been revealed to her. This synchronicity guided Rachael to train as a quantum healing hypnosis practitioner, where she honed her skills in reiki energy healing, sound healing, and Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Today, she is a Level 2 practitioner who integrates these modalities to offer comprehensive healing sessions tailored to the unique needs of her clients.
Rachael’s work is more than just a profession; it is a calling driven by her deep compassion and commitment to the well-being of others. She is a guide and a beacon of light for those seeking to rediscover their true selves and align with their soul’s purpose. Her practice is rooted in the belief that quantum healing hypnosis is a powerful tool for unlocking the mysteries of the soul, healing deep-seated traumas, and remembering one’s true nature.
Through her experience, Rachael invests her entire being into her clients on their journey of self-discovery, offering them not only healing but also the wisdom and clarity to embrace their life’s mission.